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    -Earn up to 75% on sold items!
    -Shop First!
    -Have fun with moms like YOU!


-Earn up to 75% on sold items!
-Shop 1st!
-Have fun with moms like YOU!
JBF Springfield team in front of toy shelves.  All are holding toys and smiling.
Picture of JBF core values. Value #1: We treat people like friends. Value #2: We figure things out. Value #3: We value progress over perfection.  Value #4: We are better together.

Our Core Values

At JBF, we treat people like friends, we figure things out, we value progress over perfection, and we are better together!

We want every team member to learn and practice these core values at every sales' event.  Recite them to Annette at the your next sale, and she will give you a PRIZE that you can use at every subsequent sale that you serve as a member of the team!

Did you see a team member living out a core value at the sale?  Fill out a "Caught You" card at team check in so they can be recognized!

More Info About our JBF Team

Meet Your Team Leaders

Team Members

Any seller who wants to earn some extra money is welcome!

Team members work 4-12 hours during the sale and choose the hours and days they want to work using the shift scheduler. Team members can access the shift scheduler by registering as "team member" within their JBF seller profile.

Team members shop BEFORE the public and BEFORE the other sellers, and they bump their earnings on sold items from 60% to either 70% or 75% based on hours worked.

Team members much submit a team member agreement to receive payment.
Join the Team

Team Leaders

Our team leaders are well-seasoned sellers that help plan and run the sale. Requirements when we have openings are:

-minimum of 2 years experience selling/working

-must have a Fast Pass & a minimum 65% sell-through rate

-must be recommended by current team

Team leaders work 20-40 hours during the sale in specialized shifts of 8-12 consecutive hours. They also attend sale planning meetings and help with continuous improvement between sales.

Team leaders shop FIRST, and bump their earnings on sold items from 60% to 80% or 85% based on hours worked.

Team Leader Inquiry

Team Pay Rates & Shifts

Click the buttons below to view the various pay rates/perks and also the types of shifts available on the scheduler.  To REGISTER, click the "sign up" button, then select the checkbox in your tagging profile for "team member" in order to view and select shifts.

Graphic listing JBF shifts. Call Annette at 417-425-7329 to have her go over this with you.


Use this chart to decide how many shifts you would like to work.  Then visit your profile and register as "team member" to view and select your preferred shifts. Claim your presale passes and submit your invoice for payment by clicking the link at the top of the page. Team Leader positions are filled by Team Lead Recommendation when spots are available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to sell in order to work at the sale?

Yes!  All of our staff are Independent Contractors that are paid with an increase in their sales' percentage and credits on consignor fees/presale passes. WE DO NOT ALLOW VOLUNTEERS.

I have physical limitations? Can I still work?
Yes!  We have several shifts that allow for sitting or light duty.  Please email annettemaskrod@jbfsale.com with special requests or limitations.
Can I bring my children with me?

We cannot allow children to come with you to your shift.  Exceptions are made for: 1. nursing infants that are WORN in a carrier during your shift, and 2. teens over the age of 15 that would like to work WITH you.  They can earn hours for you, but must work WITH you at all times and may only take breaks when you take breaks.

Am I able to take breaks?

Yes! Team members working 4 hours may take a 15 minute break.  We provide water bottles and light snacks in break room if you forget to bring your own. Team members working 8 hours at a time will be allowed a 30 minute break and we will provide a meal for you in the break room.

What do I wear/bring to my shift?
Plan to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes.  We DO NOT have a place to store personal items, so lock personal belongings IN THE TRUCK OF YOUR CAR WHERE IT IS NOT VISIBLE or don't bring those items with you.  We will provide aprons for you to keep a wallet, phone, or keys while you work.
Where do I go when I arrive?

Check in with Annette when you arrive, and she will give you an assignment.  You may email her ahead of time for preferred tasks at the sale. Make sure you have submitted your team member invoice (link above) prior to the sale-this is how you are paid for your hours worked and how you get your presale passes. 

Picture of Event Coordinator Annette.